We all have them don’t we. New horizons to explore, new challenges to overcome and new steps to take which seem to show up whather we’re ready for them or not.
Some are exciting. Some are sublime. Some are scary (or at least the stories we tell ourselves about them are).
But those very same horizons, challenges and steps are vital to our core ability to move forward on our own Spiritual Life paths.
Back in 2011 Spiritual Life Productions was created to fully take on the responsibility to produce and propel the time honored legacy of the oldest and largest metaphysical fair in Austin, Texas forward.
In two short years, and with the help and support of good people just like you, we have been able to reach a distant horizon that at one time felt so very far away.
Have there been challenges? Absolutely.
One does not step into a business with twenty plus years of local history without facing challenges. Especially a business that two years ago needed restructuring, nurturing and a breath of fresh air or two.
Two years ago, one of the toughest business challenges we faced was how to bring more attendees to the fairs.
Helping all of our attendees and fair personnel have the best experiences possible while attending or providing services and products at the fairs was a part of that challenge too.
For Spiritual Life Productions that answer still comes down to just one word. Education. We are an educational based business first and foremost. Problem solved.
The hardest business decision made back then was to actually help the business grow larger by going smaller (and yes there are a lot of paradoxes in business just like there are in life).
Our Metaphysical Life Fairs grew then and continue to grow in popularity and size today. So we’ve grown bigger and now look forward to a brand new horizon for further growth in our educational outreach.
Due to an ongoing focus on developing Metaphysical Life Fair opportunities to the fullest, Holistic Service Providers, Holistic Practitioners and Holistic Product Vendors have not been included in the fairs (with a few exceptions over the years).
Until now…
Introducing a brand new addition to our Spiritual Life Productions schedule – Holistic Life Fairs!
Yes. That’s right. We are expanding to include separate Holistic focused fairs for our community here in Austin!
The mission of our Holistic Life Fairs parallels that of The American Holistic Health Association (AHHA) “promoting the holistic principle of honoring the whole person (body, mind, and spirit) and encouraging people to actively take part in their own health and healthcare”.
Our NEW Holistic Life Fairs create additional opportunity to expand your mind plus deliver the quality of information you desire on different aspects of Spirituality, enlightenment, good health and alternative Holistic based choices.
Spiritual Life Productions Holistic Life Fairs will give you a chance to meet and interact directly with a variety of Holistic Health Professionals, Holistic Products & Service Providers and others like you with an interest in Holistic Modalities and Educational opportunities.
Currently there is a waiting list for table and booth space for our popular Metaphysical Life Fairs however at the time of this post we still a few booth spaces available for our very first Holistic Life Fair two day event on September 14 and 15, 2013.
If you or someone you know has an interest in participating and is a Holistic Health Professional, Holistic Products or Holistic Services Provider contact Marilyn at Spiritual Life Productions here. Please include a phone number.
Meanwhile what is on your next horizon? What new challenges are you facing? What next steps are you taking on your Spiritual Life path?
Whatever those horizons, challenges or steps might be, our best advice is to just keep going. You never know what possibilities exist until you do.
We look forward to your continuing support of the Metaphysical Life Fairs and seeing you at our NEW Holistic Life Fairs soon!
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